Our Mission Statement

We exist to MAKE DISCIPLES WHO.....


1. I have assurance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ on the basis of faith alone.
2.I worship God personally by reading His word faithfully.
3. I consistently pray in faith and power.
4. I give Biblically as an act of worship.
5. I am personally accountable to other Christians.
6. I worship God corporately with other believers.


1. I am actively involved in a small group community with other Christians.
2. I offer my spiritual gifts and talents to be used in the church to build up other Christians in their faith.
3. I seek to leverage my material possessions and resources to bless others.
4. I minister and care for others within my church family.


1. I am prepared and praying for opportunities to share the Gospel with lost people in my life.
2. I am proactively developing relationships with lost people.
3. I am seeking to live "on mission" in my home, work, school, and community.
4. I am willing to "GO" wherever God leads me for the spread of the Gospel to the state, nation, and world.

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Living for God begins with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. And out of this relationship, we seek to grow in knowledge, faith, and obedience.

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Every Christian needs a spiritual community in which there is Bible study, fellowship, care, prayer, and deep relationships. 

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From local and state missions to national and international missions, we seek to take the Gospel to those near and far. 

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