She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Southside's Women's Ministry exists to bring together women of all ages in worship, fellowship, discipleship and service. With a strong focus on mission education and service, we seek to provide a place for all women to live for God, love people and reach the world. 

Get Involved

Weekly Small Group Bible Study

Various Bible studies featuring video, workbook and group discussion components

Sunday Nights  5:00pm  Room E114

Wednesday Mornings  8:30am  Room E114

Claudia Coker Circle | WMU

Quilt Ministry

Monthly meetings for worship and fellowship often featuring a guest speaker and missions project

2nd Monday of every Month
FLC Dining Hall

A longstanding ministry of Southside, the quilters gather weekly to sew prayer quilts for those in need

Wednesday Mornings