Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

We believe that preschool-age children (birth through Kindergarten) should be introduced to the foundational truths of God's Word in a way that is both understandable and meaningful to them. Our goal is to partner with parents to lay this spiritual foundation while ensuring a safe, interactive, and engaging environment. To maintain the safety of all children, all volunteers serving in preschool, children's and youth ministries must complete a background check and safety awareness training before working with these groups.

Weekly Activities

Sunday Mornings
Sunday School 8:45am
Worship 10:00am

Children are welcomed by volunteers focused on nurturing them and presenting age appropriate Bible lessons including preschool worship, crafts and activities.
Upon arrival, parents should use our Self Check-In system located in the Commons. Volunteers are on site to assist.
Sunday Nights
Nursery & Preschool
5:00pm  |  Preschool Wing

While parents participate in Sunday night activities across campus, our littlest friends are cared for by volunteers
Wednesday Nights
Mission Friends (2-K) & Nursery
6:00pm  |  Preschool Wing

On Wednesday nights, boys and girls learn about God's love for the world through missions education using a variety of interactive and fun teaching methods.
A fellowship meal is offered at 5pm each week.

To learn about our Realm Check-In process, click here

Stay Connected

Heather McDaniel
Director of Children & Preschool