Sunday Morning Small Groups 8:45am
Senior Adults (60+)
Embrace (Co-Ed), Led by Royce Sightler FLC Dining 3
Men IV, Led by Byram Lambert E104
Ladies II, Led by Carolyn Brook E108
Ladies IV, Led by Susan Maddox E
Ladies V, Led by Janet Bryan E109
Ladies VI, Led by Bobbie Lambert E110
Men IV, Led by Byram Lambert E104
Ladies II, Led by Carolyn Brook E108
Ladies IV, Led by Susan Maddox E
Ladies V, Led by Janet Bryan E109
Ladies VI, Led by Bobbie Lambert E110
Median Adults (30+)
Married Adults (30's), Led by Justin & Heather McDaniel FLC 212
Married Median Adults (41-55), Led by Jessie Self, FLC 208
Couples II, Led by Darin O'Neal E115
Couples III/Multicultural, Led by Kenny Blackston E102
Couples IV, Led by Erin Wilson FLC 211
Married Median Adults (41-55), Led by Jessie Self, FLC 208
Couples II, Led by Darin O'Neal E115
Couples III/Multicultural, Led by Kenny Blackston E102
Couples IV, Led by Erin Wilson FLC 211
Young Adults (20+)
College & Career, Led by Josh & Lainie Hilburn FLC 217
Sunday Night Small Groups 5:00pm
Co-Ed Adults
Co-Ed Classes for all ages:
The Book of Judges, FLC Dining 3
Baptist Faith, Commons
The Book of Judges, FLC Dining 3
Baptist Faith, Commons
Room E115, all ages welcome
Ongoing video based Bible study series with study guide and group discussion components. Join at any time.
Contact Shirley Smith for info on current study 334.488.4715
Ongoing video based Bible study series with study guide and group discussion components. Join at any time.
Contact Shirley Smith for info on current study 334.488.4715
Man Church Small Groups, all ages welcome
Begin in Sanctuary then disperse to small group meeting rooms. Join at any time!
Contact Terry Barnes for information 334.464.2281
Begin in Sanctuary then disperse to small group meeting rooms. Join at any time!
Contact Terry Barnes for information 334.464.2281
Wednesday Nights 6:00pm
Prayer Meeting 5:45, Sanctuary
Large Group Bible Study 6:00, Sanctuary, Taught by Dr. Josh Wilson
Large Group Bible Study 6:00, Sanctuary, Taught by Dr. Josh Wilson
Man Church
Man Church Small Groups, gather in E115 for video instruction then disperse to various rooms for discipleship discussion. 6:00pm
Join at any time!
Contact Terry Barnes for information 334.464.2281
Join at any time!
Contact Terry Barnes for information 334.464.2281
English Language Learners
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced courses offered, Room E102
Small Group Interest Form
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